I am so excited to launch my first ever blog site! For those of you that know me, you know how much I love to talk and you understand my twisted sense of humor. I have never been at a loss for words for my entire life. In fact, I have often had to remind myself to stop talking and give others a chance. I am not shy, I say what is on my mind, and I love making people laugh.

During a time when my grandfather was ill I still tried to make my family laugh
For the last 20 years I have worked as a registered nurse in labor and delivery for a very busy hospital. For the most part my patients come to me at one of the most vulnerable yet exciting times in their life. I have always found that chatting and using a sense of humor was a great way to help put my patient’s mind at ease. After almost 20 years of 12 hour shifts I was over it. I still loved my patients and delivering babies, but I was over the rest of it (but those details are for a different article). A few years ago I began working part time in the hospital. I stayed at home to raise my children and was only working about one shift per week. In order to accommodate this drastic change in hours I had to switch to a different department. I did outpatient testing on pregnant moms and was alone in an office all day with no other co workers. Just me, one or two patients at a time, and a computer. You might say that I was lucky to not have to work full time anymore, and you are right I was. I felt like for the first time in 20 years that I could finally take a deep breath and just relax.

As time went on I began to miss a few things. I missed adult interaction. I missed making my coworkers laugh. I missed being with my patients and making them feel safe during their delivery. I missed holding newborn babies. I missed the adrenaline rush of being a labor nurse. I missed many things. But one thing I surely didn’t miss working full time. I knew more than anything that I wanted to continue to be with my husband and my babies as much as possible.

Me and my husband Dr. Ira John Sites III and our babies
As the kids got bigger and things got a little easier, I started looking for things to do. Growing up I was always involved in acting classes and school theater. In fact my main wish when I was growing up was to be an actress. I wondered how could I incorporate something that I loved during childhood into my adult life. When one day it finally came to me. I thought to myself why not make funny videos about life and put them on YouTube? I would be able to incorporate my love for humor and my love for acting. It was a win win hobby for me. I quickly became a social media addict, and I loved every minute of it.
Now here I am 18 months later. I have a Youtube channel that is slowly growing. I have a Facebook page that has really taken off, almost 75,000 followers. I have made videos and memes that I am so proud of. If you would have asked me 3 years ago what a meme even was I wouldn’t have had a clue. I have come a long way and have made many medical professionals laugh. If I can give someone even a little chuckle in the midst of their crazy chaotic lives, then I have accomplished my goal.
So what’s next for Nurse Jessica Sites? Well here it is! My first ever blog. I am more fearful of this adventure because I have no clue what I am doing. I am horrible at grammar and I can’t spell to save my life. I am cringing right now thinking of all of the grammar police that I am going to hear from. Well as I always say, “Bring it on!”